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Casas de Suenos Old Town Historic Inn
Albuquerque Bed and Breakfast
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Albuquerque Old Town Historic District, Museums, Tours, Restaurants and Shopping
Walkable Attractions From the Casas de Suenos Old Town Historic Inn
Old Town Historic District
Founded in 1927,the 64 acre Rio Grande Zoo offers visitors close encounters with more than 250 species of exotic and native animals...
Walkable Restaurants From The Casas de Suenos Old Town Historic Inn
Please check with our front desk for more great dining options within walking distance from the Casas de Suenos.
Nearby Attractions (requires transportation)
Rio Grande Nature Center

This State park offers opportunities to experience 270 acres of woods, meadows and farmland flourishing with native grasses, wildflowers, willows and cottonwoods...
Albuquerque International Balloon Museum:
Great Day Trips from Albuquerque
The Puye Cliff Dwellings

The site was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1966. Between AD 900 and 1580 up to 1500 Indians lived in the area where they hunted...
Taos Pueblo (Pueblo de Taos)

Pueblo de Taos) is an ancient pueblo belonging to a Taos (Northern Tiwa) speaking Native American tribe of Pueblo people. It is approximately 1000 years old...